Monday, November 9, 2009


Okay, so I'm the world's worst about posting blogs and pics! One of my new goals is to do a better job! I always feel so busy, but I always enjoying taking the time to look at what's happening in everybody's else world, I figured I could do the same. So, for Halloween, we dressed Zaiah as Elvis! He looked like a total ROCK STAR!!! He was so cute going from house to house and at times trying to sing, HOUND DOG! The house in the pic is a festive house we went to and there was a haunted maze in the front yard, where real people were popping out of the ground! Why was I the only one screaming?!?! Rob nor Zaiah seemed phased by it. We had our annual Chili before trick or treating. We have lots of fun with our little man!


Ashley Dickman said...

so stinkin cute georgia!! I love him... and I love that you were screaming at the house b/c I know that I would be! miss ya girl!

Kara said...

He is so dang cute Erica!! It sure looks like you are having a great time with him. I bet he has a fun little personality and doesn't that make holidays like Halloween that much more fun? Hope you are doing well. It's almost Rebel basketball season, so maybe we'll run into you one of these days????